If you are looking for advanced training in the renewable energy sector, the JobsAcademy Foundation’s ITS project on Energy and Innovation is the perfect solution for you The course was created to train highly innovative and competent figures in the field of plant engineering for the production of thermal and electrical energy from renewable sources.

The training project focuses on the energy requalification of buildings as an effective solution to the challenge of climate change. Energy consumption for air conditioning in buildings accounts for approximately 40 per cent of total consumption and has great potential for reduction.

The course covers a wide range of topics, including thermal insulation, renewable energy sources, power and heat generation technologies, and national and European legislation. In addition, it includes a module on entrepreneurship, to help Talents develop the skills needed to start and run a business in the renewable energy sector.

IT’S EXPERIENCE! Numerous workshops and site visits to show participants renewable energy technologies in action. In addition, the Talents will have the opportunity to work on concrete projects, developing innovative solutions for the energy upgrading of buildings.

After completion of the course, the Talents will be able to apply their skills in a wide variety of work contexts, including public and private organisations, companies producing and distributing electricity and heat from renewable sources, and construction and plant installation companies.

In summary, the ITS Energy and Innovation course is a unique opportunity to become an expert in the renewable energy sector and contribute to the fight against climate change.

Enrol today and start your path to a successful, rewarding and sustainable career.