About us
The JobsAcademy Foundation is part of the larger San Michele Arcangelo group, from which it has inherited its mission and outlook.
Its commitment is to bring out the talent of individuals, enhancing the person and his or her desire through an invitation to experience.
Founded with 42 enrolled students in 2010, twelve years later it has reached the threshold of 2,000 graduates in 25 different pathways, with an employment rate of 96.72% within the first 6 months after graduation, confirming itself as the largest ITS in Italy.
Our numbers
“The aim of the Foundation is to promote all-round success for individuals, accompanying and supporting them through the full acquisition of criteria for personal actions and a natural inclination to self-appreciation, which when fully achieved leads to the fulfilment of personal goals.”
Read article 2 of the Articles of Association
Our values
The success of JAC is founded on a precise model based on five essential aspects:
For us, this means preparing people for situations by providing them with the tools necessary to interpret the world.
Our aim is to offer tools and methods to become valuable specialists. Our motto is IT’S EXPERIENCE; an invitation for understanding through action and action through understanding.
Our aim is not simply to provide students with overall personal and professional training; we also want each and every one of them to “spread their wings” and gain self-realisation, finding not A job, but rather THEIR JOB.
Our focus is on innovation in processes, technology and products. The participation of partner companies in our courses helps us to directly focus and apply innovation to the themes most requested by companies.
We believe that truly sustainable development is gained through everyday choices that have an impact on organising our lives and on shaping the world of employment.
JAC offers courses in the fields of post-diploma education with the aim of training specialised technicians in the Business, Technology, ICT, Marketing and Green sectors.
All courses are studied in collaboration with local businesses in order to simultaneously guarantee:
- In-company proven high levels of specialization and solid skills;
- A professionalising three-year degree, thanks to the UNICO CYCLE proposal;
- A Proposal for Work
An all-round approach that reflects the main goal of the Foundation; to consider and valorise individuals as a whole.
At JAC, people make the difference
At JAC, students are more than pupils, they are TALENTS. Each and every one of them has personal goals and professional ambitions to achieve. Bringing forth and nurturing your unique characteristics is one of our primary goals.
At JAC, the teachers are known as Masters, because they not only teach, but they also pass their own experience on to others.
JAC has a dedicated team that will accompany you throughout your experience with passion.
At JAC, everything is characterised by enterprise. From practical instruction to the supporting of start-ups based on ideas from the talents. This is the result of partnerships with more than 2,500 companies.