Privacy Policy

Thank you for having visited our website and for having decided to examine our privacy policy in detail

This policy explains why and how we manage the information we collect when a user visits our website and/or enters in contact with our company by using one of our services.


POLICY ON THE PROCESSING OF PERSONAL DATA pursuant to Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 (GDPR)



This policy has been prepared in relation to the website (the Website) belonging to FONDAZIONE ISTITUTO TECNICO SUPERIORE PER LE NUOVE TECNOLOGIE PER IL MADE IN ITALY – JOBSACADEMY, with registered headquarters in Via Previtali, 18 – 24122 BERGAMO, registered with the Bergamo Chamber of Commerce, VAT no. 95186040168 (Data Controller), in its role as the Data Controller pursuant to the GDPR.


The information and the data requested in the event of candidacy is used to allow you to participate in the admissions process carried out by the Data Controller.


With your prior consent, the Data Controller may process the personal data you have provided to send you advertising materials and/or newsletters relative to its own activities and/or those of third parties.


In compliance with the GDPR, we hereby inform you that the Data Controller will process your personal data under the following conditions.

Art. 1. Purpose and legal basis for processing. Obligatory or voluntary provision. Consequences of refusing processing.
Personal data is processed for the following purposes:

  1. To allow participation in the admissions process as well as to allow the respecting of legal obligations or obligations deriving from current regulations, in particular for administrative, accounting or public security purposes. The legal basis for processing is the necessity for the Data Controller to carry out pre-contractual measures adopted on the request of the data subject or to comply with legal obligations.
  2. With your prior consent, to send newsletters and carry out market research, also aimed at assessing the level of user satisfaction, and to send relevant advertising materials from the Data Controller and/or third parties via systems such as email (marketing purposes). The legal basis for the data processing is the consent of the data subject.
  3. To respond via email or telephone to your requests. Granting of consent is not obligatory, but refusal to grant consent will render it impossible for the Data Controller to respond to your requests. The legal basis for processing is the legitimate interest of the Data Processor to respond to user requests. This legitimate interest is equivalent to the interest of the user to receive responses to communications sent to the Data Controller.

Consent to the processing of your data for marketing purposes is entirely optional. Refusal to grant consent will result exclusively in the consequences described below.

Refusal to grant consent for the processing of data for marketing purposes will render it impossible for you to receive relevant advertising material from the Data Controller and/or third parties, and will render it impossible for the Data Controller to carry out market research, also aimed at assessing the level of user satisfaction, as well as to send you newsletters.

Without prejudice to the above, it is understood that the Data Controller may in any case use your personal data for the sole purpose of correctly complying with current legal obligations and with obligations deriving from contractual relationships existing between yourself and the Data Controller.

We hereby remind you that you have the right to oppose the processing of your personal data, also via the dedicated link at the foot of any promotional email sent by the Data Controller.

Special categories of personal data or legal data

The Data Controller does not process special categories of personal data or legal data.


Art. 2. Method of processing

The processing of your personal data will be carried out mainly with the use of electronic or in any case automated means, in accordance with methods and with the use of instruments suitable for guaranteeing security and confidentiality in compliance with the GDPR.

The information acquired and the methods of data processing will be relative and not excessive with respect to the type of service provided. The data will also be handled and protected in areas to which access is constantly monitored.


Art. 3. Communication and disclosure of data

Your data may be communicated:

  • to all subjects (including Public Authorities) who have access to personal data in accordance with regulatory or administrative measures.
  • to any companies, consultants or professionals appointed for the installation, maintenance, updating and in general the management of the hardware and software belonging to the Data Controller, or that the latter uses for the provision of its services.
  • to external companies appointed for the sending of publicity on behalf of the Data Controller.
  • to employees and/or collaborators of the Data Controller.
  • to all public and/or private subjects, natural persons and/or legal entities (legal consultancy, administrative and tax firms, judicial offices, chambers of commerce, trade union offices and headquarters, etc.) to which communication is necessary for or functional to the correct compliance with legal obligations.

The data concerning you will not be communicated for the purposes of statistics or research unless in anonymous and aggregated form.


Art. 4. Data Controller

The Data Controller can be contacted as follows:


Registered offices: Via Previtali, 18 – 24122 BERGAMO

Operational headquarters: Via del Convento, 1 – 24060 SAN PAOLO D’ARGON (BG)

Telephone: +39 035 832563
Via the contact form on the Website.


Art. 5. Storage of personal data

The personal data will be stored in accordance with the following logic: (i) for marketing purposes, until consent is revoked; (ii) for legal defence purposes, until the issuing of a final sentence; (iii) for compliance with regulations, for the time necessary for said purpose; (iv) for the purpose of providing any service requested via the Website, for the time necessary to respond to the request.


Art. 6. Rights of the data subject

Pursuant to art. 13 of the Privacy Regulation, the Data Controller hereby informs you that you have the right to:

  • request from the Data Controller access to and rectification or erasure of personal data or restriction of processing concerning you, or to object to processing, as well as the right to data portability.
  • revoke consent at any time without prejudice to the lawfulness of the handling of data based on consent granted before said revocation.
  • lodge a complaint with a supervisory authority (e.g., the Italian Data Protection Authority).

The rights specified above may be exercised via informal request to the Data Controller via the contacts provided above.


Art. 7. Modifications

The Data Controller has the right to modify this policy at any time, providing appropriate notice to users of the Website and guaranteeing, in any case, suitable and relevant protection of personal data. In order to view any modifications, you are invited to regularly consult this policy.


Clarity (Microsoft Ireland Operations Limited)
Clarity is a service that allows the Data Controller to monitor its customers’ conversions.
Personal Data Collected: Cookies; Usage Data. Place of Processing: Ireland – Privacy Policy.