The work
However, what the Foundation aims to do is much more ambitious than simply “finding someone a job”. Our mission is for each and every Talent to gain working experience that is truly in line with their goals and their studies.
To this end, the staff periodically organise individual orientation interviews with the students to set out the possible solutions for apprenticeships and subsequent employment. The Foundation is constantly committed to the search for new job opportunities for the Talents, and boasts an average placement rate over the last ten years of more than 95% (96.7% when looking at the past two years).
It’s Experience

All the work experience is organised in accordance with the dual system, i.e., the model that provides for alternating days dedicated to in-class lessons and those dedicated to work over the course of a week. The alternating of study and work is fundamental in order to allow the Talents to simultaneously assimilate theory and practice, and to always have the support they need to grow.
Thanks to the numerous partnerships that JAC has consolidated over the years, the Talents have the opportunity to enjoy interesting experiences in direct contact with companies and the professionals that work for them.
There are countless workshops and first-hand accounts allowing entrepreneurs and managers to share their experiences and present the Talents with real-life cases. There are just as many immersive moments dedicated to workshops and to guided tours directly in the partner’s production plants.
One source of pride is the JAC Business Challenge project; a challenge open to the Talents from all the JobsAcademy courses who, with the support of a company and a coach every year develop a product or a service, following the entire process and taking on the role of the Research and Development department in the company itself, with the opportunity to fully collaborate with their colleagues at the Institute and experience company team-work for the first time.
Explore the partner companies