Become a digital marketing manager with JAC

It has surely happened to you, especially in the last period, that someone has asked the question “I need a Facebook page for my store, can you do it for me, you who are always on Social?” Maybe posed by some family member, Aunt Antonia with the clothing store or Cousin Luigi with the farm, who all of a sudden feel the need to “digitize” to keep up with the times.

Aunt Antonia and Cousin Luigi have two things in common. The first: they do not know a comma about the Internet. The second is that they don’t know that they need a Digital Marketing Manager (and not the youngest family member or the one who quantifies the most hours in front of Among Us on phone).

But what, then, does the job of a digital marketing manager consist of? Spoiler: it doesn’t just mean managing a Facebook page.

In fact, the digital marketing manager is a cross-functional figure with not only great creativity, but also technical skills in the digital field. In a nutshell, he is in charge of organizing and planning all activities related to digital marketing within the business context.

Before moving on to its functions and skills, let’s take a step back: what is digital marketing?

  1. Digital marketing: the definition
  2. What does the digital marketing manager deal with?
  3. What skills does the job of digital marketing manager require?
  4. How much does a digital marketing manager earn?

Digital marketing: the definition

By digital marketing we mean all those marketing activities using web channels, aimed at creating strategic, personalized and interactive communication that can help the company develop a trusting relationship with its customers, orienting them to purchase.

The main goal of the digital marketing manager is to create online marketing strategies so as to make a company’s products or services known to its target audience and increase sales, as well as enhance a brand’s reputation.

What does the digital marketing manager do?

  • Conducts market research
  • Studies the company’s target industry
  • Identifies and studies the activities and website of competitors
  • Analyzes customer behavior
  • Develops a marketing plan and communication strategy suited to business needs.
  • Monitors the progress of the strategy and the achievement of goals while adhering to the predetermined budget)

To carry out these steps, the digital marketing manager uses several tools, including: Search Engine Optimization (SEO), the goal of which is to “rank higher” in Google results when you do a search, without paying for advertising, which Search Engine Marketing (SEM) does;

  • The activities of Social media marketing, Copywriting, Blogging, Influencer Marketing, Digital PR
  • The management of E-commerce Platforms
  • Web Marketing
  • Email Marketing
  • Anything that includes advertising (e.g., Google Adwords)

What skills does the job of digital marketing manager require?

The skills required in the job of digital marketing manager are divided into what are called “soft skills” and “hard skills”, or soft skills and technical skills.

These skills are also the parameters that will be taken into consideration when analyzing your Curriculum Vitae.Therefore, it is important not only to include them within the cv, but also to possess them in the round.

Let’s see what soft skills and hard skills are required for the Digital Marketing Manager position.

Soft skills

By Soft Skills we mean the Transversal Skills sought after in Industry 4.0, such as communication or leadership skills. Let’s look at the main ones for the figure we are interested in:

  • Stress Resistance: ability to relate to colleagues, awareness, empathy, etc.
  • Being Curious and Intriguing: having initiative and hunger for knowledge;
  • Accuracy: i.e., the aptitude to be caring, diligent and attentive to what one does.
  • Problem Solving Skills: being able to find solutions to problems that confront you, often succeeding by thinking “outside the box”.
  • Relational Skills: being able to build a relationship with other people, have empathy, be able to listen and thus create lasting relationships of trust.
  • Teamwork Skills: be able to relate politely with one’s colleagues and collaborate on joint projects, always being able to build productive dialogues and find compromises in situations of disagreement for the good of the group and project goals.
  • Communication skills: use the right tone of voice, appropriate register, grammatically correct Italian (or English), understand when to be silent, when to speak, and when to listen.
  • Flexibility: adapting to changing work contexts (e.g., working in an office or smart working), being open to new things and willing to collaborate with people who think differently from you.

Hard Skills

By Hard Skills we mean the professional and technical skills essential to fill the role of the Digital Marketing Manager, including:

  • Knowing the English Language: a now mandatory requirement not only for interacting with possible international clients, but also for using marketing tools (most of which are almost all Made in the USA)
  • Know how to use Google Analytics and all other Google tools: i.e., have a complete knowledge of the main marketing tools and be able to perform a careful analysis of one’s business.
  • Know how to use the main Social Media and SEO tools;
  • Having a foundation in Programming: this does not mean being an Anonymus-style hacker, but rather having a foundation in HTML code that can give you an edge over others.
  • Know how to use Excel: having full command of Excel helps you process market data, statistics and more.
  • Having project management skills: that is, being able to achieve set goals, manage business relationships, develop efficient sales strategies, and work with and within deadlines.
  • Have a solid background in traditional Marketing.

How much does a digital marketing manager make?

Sure, money doesn’t make you happy, but I’d rather be miserable in a Tesla Cybertruck than in a Panda, wouldn’t you agree too?

The salary issue, for the position of Digital Marketing Manager, is a difficult topic to deal with as it varies from company to company. However, we can say that, being a figure in high demand lately in the market, his is a well-paid profession.

So, if we wanted to quantify a net monthly salary range (following a period of Internship), we are talking about:

  • 1,200€ – 1,500€ for a Junior figure (1-2 years of experience);
  • 1,500€ – 2,000€ for a figure between Junior and Senior, with 3-4 years of experience;
  • 2,500€+ for a Senior figure (5+ years of experience).

Have you felt like calling Elon Musk yet?

Bottom line

One cannot be called a Digital Marketing Manager just after attending a free course of a few hours; in fact, one needs patience, perseverance, study, and practice, just as with all professions that require specific skills and professionalism.

At JobsAcademy, the post-diploma specialization course in Digital Marketing consists of a two-year course, each consisting of 600 hours of theory and 400 hours of in-company internship.

The Digital Marketing course is structured to train a high-level digital marketing manager and to provide you with all the skills you need to meet the specific needs of the market.

ENROLL in JobsAcademy’s DIGITAL MARKETING course and become a digital marketing manager!