Blower Door test: Practical lessons for the Sustainable Building course.

Before the interruption of physical classes (March 2020 – due to national health emergency), JAC has launched a series of special initiatives dedicated to students in the Sustainable Construction course to put into practice the theory learned in the classroom.

Among them was the Blower Door Test, a hands-on lab session together with Digital Surveying master Giovanni Bettinelli and Sustainable Building course leader Dario Fusco.

It was a real opportunity for all students in the course to relate to an industry professional and learn about one of the main tests performed on buildings.

Blower door test: what it is

The Blower Door test is a test to check the air permeability of a building envelope (multi-story building or single apartment).

Air infiltration into the interior of a dwelling causes severe heat loss due to excessive air exchange in the room.

Blower door test: how it works

To perform a Blower Door test, well-defined procedures must be followed.

It starts with the use of a fan, which is inserted into the front door of the house, with which air is injected and sucked in, alternately bringing both pressure and depression to the interior rooms of the building.

Then, the flow of air infiltrating through the exterior surfaces is measured, resulting in an index representing the quality of the envelope sealing (the lower this index, the higher the performance).

Blower door test: when to do it

Blower door testing tends to be done on new buildings or buildings under construction.

It is also possible to perform this test on buildings that are not necessarily new, with the aim of intervening in their renovation.

This test is mandatory to obtain the Casa Clima certification. Before issuing the corresponding energy certificate, however, it is required to pass an Air Tightness Test whose protocols stipulate stringent minimum values.

Sustainable Building: a hands-on, laboratory-based course

The case of the Blower Door test is an example of how JAC puts a hands-on laboratory experience at the center of training.

JobsAcademy’s Sustainable Construction course is built precisely to enable you to acquire concrete skills that are immediately spendable in the world of work.

Thanks to this course, in fact, you will be able to learn how to:

  • Modeling a building through BIM methodology
  • Design a rehabilitation intervention from an architectural and energy perspective
  • Develop an energy diagnosis
  • Perform thermographic analyses
  • Use drones and special digital tools to carry out surveys
  • Choose the best eco-sustainable materials
  • Solve construction nodes
  • Design and coordinate safety plans on construction sites

In this way you will be able, after two years of the course, to present yourself in the world of work with a wealth of knowledge and technical skills that you can immediately put into practice, not forgetting that during the course you will have the opportunity to carry out two internship experiences in companies in the sector.

Do you also want to become a sustainable building technician?

Learn more about the course