High school orientation: meet JAC online

#JACdoesn’t end.

This period of emergency has confronted us with the need to rethink and reform our current educational system and to find new ways of meeting to continue presenting the opportunities of the JobsAcademy experience to all high school students in Italy.

Education for JAC students has never stopped; in fact, from the very first moments when the Coronavirus-related health emergency was triggered, we have been active from the very beginning with online classes to make up for the suspension of physical classes.

Similarly, high school orientation initiatives were born in digital form:

Online Open Days, Open Meetings, and Virtual Orientations to share the JobsAcademy experience with all students looking for a concrete path that will place them in the world of work right away.

Find out all the ways to meet with JAC in this article.

High School Orientation: JAC Open Meeting

Although we cannot meet with you personally, we can always be there and meet with you virtually.

Every Monday, Wednesday and Friday, both morning and afternoon, we are online with Open Meetings, virtual group orientation sessions together with our Talent Development Office liaisons Damiano, Fabia and Sveva.

The duration of an Open Meeting is about an hour and is definitely an orientation initiative in high schools that is involving more and more students.

They are held virtually on a special platform where you also have the opportunity to interact live with one of JAC’s development office contacts, who are at your complete disposal to answer any questions you may have about the JAC experience and the postgraduate courses the Foundation provides.

If you would like to find out more about the JobsAcademy experience and the eleven post-diploma specialization courses, book yourself in for a JAC Open Meeting!

High School Orientation: Online Open Days

Online Open Days are also a mode of high school orientation.

In fact, these are events that take place entirely online, where a student’s experience at JobsAcademy and the eleven post-diploma specialization courses that the Foundation provides are presented, thanks in part to the presentation of current JAC students and graduates.

In an online Open Day you will have the opportunity to discover the Foundation’s educational and training offerings and to interact live with JAC’s Talents, graduates who are working today, and Course Managers, delving into the features of each course within dedicated virtual classrooms.

In an online Open Day, we will introduce you to all the experiences you can enjoy during the two-year course at JAC until you enter the world of work. Professional experiences in contact with entrepreneurs such as workshops, analysis and study of business “case histories” together with professionals in the classroom, study and work experiences abroad, and much more.

If you would like to experience all these opportunities and are looking for a concrete educational experience, attend the Open Day.

Online high school orientation

In addition to Open Meetings and online Open Days, JAC periodically organizes orientations in high schools in Italy totally in digital form.

These are events co-organized together with the referents of individual schools to present the opportunities of the JAC experience to all those students who are looking for an educational and training path in line with their personal desires, ambitions and talents.

Virtual orientations are somewhat in the form of Open Meetings, with the difference that they are

If you are a student/student looking for concrete opportunities after graduation and want to learn more about JAC’s educational and training proposal, register for one of our online orientations!