JAC Mobile: JAC’s new app

This year, students in JobsAcademy’s “Web development” course developed a mobile app to view the calendar and exam grades.

JAC Mobile”, the name given to the app, is a project born among the Foundation’s desks, which was initiated by the students themselves, who, starting from the need to make access to information related to schedules, courses and grades easier and more immediate, decided to design an app.

In the first phase of the launch, the app was made available in a test version to gather all useful feedback to improve it. Once the technical improvements were made, the app was officially made available to students and today it is one of the essential tools in the life of a “Talent” in JAC, who can always have their class schedule and all exam grades at their fingertips.

We especially thank our Web Development course Talents and Course Leader Diego Bernini for developing this project.

Web Development: the course that teaches you to develop web apps and software

The Web Development course trains complete Web software developers.

Specifically, you will learn to design, implement and manage software systems based on Internet and Web technologies.

During the course you will learn and apply a variety of modes and solutions in a comprehensive and specialized way to work in the all-around software developer’s environment. In fact, this course will enable you to acquire both technological and methodological skills and competencies.

Not only that, as evidenced by the course’s Talents, you will also learn how to develop web software applications, from design to implementation, and perhaps you will be able to contribute to new applications dedicated to JAC students!

Do you want to test yourself right away and become a web developer? Learn more about JAC’s Web Development course.