Meet Human and the Winning Model of CHARITY FOR CHARITY

Meet Human, the latest Foundation born in the constellation of Works under the Saint Michael Archangel Foundation, continues to meet and support experiences of true humanity committed to the integral realization of the person.

Having become fully operational in August this year, it can say that it has developed a very precise model of intervention through the “Afghan Brothers” project that has already reached an important point of maturation.

This is the model that Daniele Nembrini himself, Founder of Opere San Michele Arcangelo and the newly born Meet Human, calls the model of “charity for charity’s sake”: an approach that puts people, their deep questions and desires at the center in order to be at the service of each person’s freedom, and not simply “provide a service.”

In a very short time, it was possible to relaunch toward a new beginning the family unit saved from Taliban religious persecution that is now ready to be reunited with the community to which it belongs.

“From the very beginning, respecting the meaning that charity has for us, we decided not to resort to public facilities and funds to support the costs associated with hosting the family,” said Francesco Napoli, the group’s Head of Institutional Relations. “Despite the enormous difficulty that such a choice poses at the organizational and management level, it seemed the most responsible choice to respond to the needs, desires and requirements of our guests with individual attention not limited by pre-established paths.”

The 14 people, including seven children, had been rescued from Kabul in August. With the advance of the Taliban, they had been subject to persecution both because they were Christians and because they were mostly women. Their desperate appeal was intercepted by Meet Human Foundation, which, with the efforts of many and thanks to the work of the Ministries of Defense and Interior, managed to bring them to safety.

After an initial reception in Rome, an apartment in the municipality of Zandobbio (BG) was located, renovated, and furnished, where the large family was able to recover.

“The purpose of Fondazione Meet Human, and of all the Opere San Michele Arcangelo, is to promote the integral realization of the person, encouraging the exercise of freedom understood as the full satisfaction of one’s desires,” Napoli continued, “We are pleased to have accompanied our brothers on this journey, to have supported them in the most difficult moment for them and to have provided them with the security necessary to heal, as much as possible, their wounds and get back on their feet to resume their journey.”

With recovered serenity, in fact, today they have decided to continue their journey independently, confirming that the experience of charity for charity is first and foremost an encounter between men, a generative approach that aims to revive the person and his individual freedom, without reducing him to his own need.

“The experience we had convinced us to continue in this adventure by renewing our commitment to a tormented and suffering nation.” Declares, in fact, Daniele Nembrini “Being able now to count on the network of services we have built in recent months, we will do everything in our power to restore dignity and freedom to our Afghan brothers and sisters who are in danger of being denied it.

It is only right to thank all the supporters who, with us, believed in the concreteness of this intervention and helped us bring it this far,” continues Daniele Nembrini “According to UN data, already by the end of 2020, Afghanistan had more than 2million refugees and almost 3million internally displaced persons (of which 58 percent were minors, one

of the highest percentages recorded in the world), now estimated to be nearly 4 million, and it is important to keep the focus alive even when the news moves us elsewhere.”

The resources and expertise mobilized for the project therefore continue to be fruitfully and concretely put to the service of Afghan brothers and sisters in need, and the large apartment in Zandobbio could be welcoming new guests very soon. For anyone wishing to support the campaign, it is possible to contribute through the website and the current account in the name of Meet Human Foundation.

IBAN: IT 61 S 05034 11121 000000080014




Francesco Napoli – Institutional Relations

+39 337 126 92 52


MEET HUMAN FOUNDATION, the latest to come to light in the constellation of the Works led by the St. Michael the Archangel Foundation, was established to meet and support in the world experiences of true humanity committed to the integral realization of the person.

It works on international projects in developing countries through multicultural interchanges in the fields of education, training and job placement, with a focus on economic and environmental sustainability.

FONDAZIONE SAN MICHELE ARCANGELO represents the point of synthesis of the work and experience of more than 25 years to restore centrality to the Person.

Born out of a small training center in the province of Bergamo, today it is divided into a set of Opere, nonprofit organizations engaged in education, training, research and job placement, which touch the lives of more than 7,000 people each year.

The aim of the Foundation is to promote all-round success for individuals, accompanying and supporting them through the full acquisition of criteria for personal actions and a natural inclination to self-appreciation, which when fully achieved leads to the fulfilment of personal goals.