Welcome on Board, Nessun Dorma
Welcome on Board, Nessun Dorma!
Once again this year 500 new Talents received an official welcome from the JobsAcademy Foundation!
Not just a welcome, but through the Welcome On Board day, the Talents had the opportunity to live an experience aimed at introducing them to the new and important path chosen for their future.
Welcomed in the charming hall of the Bergamo Congress Centre, the Talents were given the fundamental information and tools to fully benefit from the services that JobsAcademy provides for the Talent.
From the presentation of each Coach to the use of the Foundation’s portals, this day aimed above all to be the first moment of sharing and relations between the Talents.
From the very first moment, the Talents found at their side the companions with whom they will share their chosen path, thus enabling them, by interacting, to create the first and fundamental relationships.
Confidence and determination are the feelings that most Talents share at this moment, feeling part of a team ready to achieve professional and personal goals.
A crescendo of awareness, and thoughts, that increasingly define the personal path that each JobsAcademy Foundation Talent chooses to take.
This is the kind of welcome that we at JobsAcademy joyfully experience together with our Talents every year.
The Welcome On Board is an integral part of the JobsAcademy Foundation’s paths and involves the core values of our reality: “The aim of the Foundation is to promote the integral realisation of the person, accompanying and supporting, through the full acquisition of the criteria for personal action, the natural inclination towards self-fulfilment, the apex of which is freedom understood as the full satisfaction of one’s desires.”