The success of the Web Development class at the JobsAcademy foundation: the solution to indoor air quality detection and monitoring

At the JobsAcademy foundation, we are proud to be able to offer our Talents a unique training experience that prepares them for the future challenges of the world of work Our aim is to provide them with the technical and soft skills that are required by companies and that are constantly evolving. The project our Talents developed, concerning the detection and monitoring of INDOOR air quality, is a perfect example of how practical training and creativity can lead to innovative solutions and the resolution of current problems.

The Web Development class was able to apply the skills learned in the classroom, such as IP-TCP connectivity, client-server communication, VPN Connection and remote controlling, to develop this prototype. They were also able to improve their ability to work in a team and solve problems, soft skills that are extremely important in the world of work.

We are grateful to lecturer Roberto Caspani of W2W Solution for his contribution and for the opportunity he gave our Talents to put their knowledge and skills into practice Thanks to his guidance, the Talents were able to achieve a great common goal and we are excited to be able to share the results with the world.

The JobsAcademy foundation will continue to work hard to ensure that our Talents keep up with the innovations and changes in the world of work, and to provide them with the opportunity to contribute to a healthier and safer future for all.

Would you like to learn more about the training paths offered by JobsAcademy and find out how to become a Talent ready to face the future challenges of the world of work? Visit our software pathways page now and find out how we can help you realise your professional future!