JobsAcademy Foundation | Voice to Talents

At JobsAcademy, we consider it essential to give a voice to Talents, and to their important and innovative ideas.

This is why we want to share and support an initiative that some of our talents, Nicolas Dadda and Matteo Guadagno, founders of E-Speech, have developed!

It is well known that the first moments of contact with the world of work can give rise to many doubts as to how to pursue one’s path, one’s career and one’s life.

This project offers a service aimed at those entering the world of work by creating multimedia content such as interviews and case studies, bringing real experiences of entrepreneurs, with the aim of creating awareness about the implementation of new technologies, new working methods and new jobs with a focus on the career possibilities of the future.


Each piece of content is based on real life experiences, inspiring and making each listener reflect on how he or she is pursuing the chosen path, thus being able to avoid certain mistakes previously made by others and thus maximising growth possibilities.

Brilliant, isn’t it?

Discover their content by viewing the Linkedin E-speech page