3D livingreen: JAC’s blueprint for ITS 4.0

On Oct. 18, 2019, JAC presented at the “Rome Maker Faire 2019,” Europe’s largest event dedicated to innovation, the “3D livingreen” project, created by students from the Design and 3D Modeling and Sustainable Building courses.

“3D livingreen” was developed for The ITS 4.0 project promoted by the MIUR., an educational-professional program that brings schools and companies closer together on the topics of 4.0.

Technological innovation and sustainable development have always been at the heart of JobsAcademy’s educational experience, which also encourages moments of sharing and co-working, where students have the opportunity to put into practice what they have learned during classes to bring new ideas and projects to life.

After the robotic arm developed by the Talents of Mechatronics course, this time JAC students took on a new challenge: developing a technologically innovative and sustainable campus. They called it “3D livingreen“,precisely, born from the union of 3D printing technology and sustainable construction, thanks to the collaboration with companies in the Lombardy region.

“3D livingreen” project: how it was born and what it is about

The project was born and developed in Bergamo, a city where construction has always been a driving sector, bringing together different companies united by a common mission: to introduce cutting-edge construction technologies that positively impact energy efficiency and environmental sustainability.

The future needs to be sustainable, and the project developed by JAC’s students has this very theme, “Being Green,” at heart, operating with an attitude of awareness about sustainability as a function of constant technological innovation.

The ITS 4.0 project: a bridge between school and business

We can say that the participation in the Maker Faire in Rome, represented an opportunity for JAC students to live a concrete experience in close collaboration with companies and to get involved with a project generated from the different experiences lived during the two years of ITS training.The ITS 4.0 project: a bridge between school and business

“3D livingreen” is the child of the ITS 4.0 project, which aims to create a bridge between school and business, focused on experimentation and practicality,, during the two-year post-diploma program, so that ITS students and the entrepreneurs involved can manage the innovation process side by side.

Collaboration with Bergamo-based companies that are partners in the project included: Vanoncini Spa, a company specializing in integrated sustainable construction; Wasp, a leader in the 3D printing industry and maker of the 3D printed housing unit; and Cobaty, an interprofessional association for construction, urban planning and the environment.

Watch the video of the project

Technological innovation and sustainable development

Research and technological innovation are among the main drivers of a country’s economic development.“. This is what the Ministry of Infrastructure and Transport says, and it is also the great challenge to be pursued in both employment and education.

It is necessary for the world of education, in fact, to adapt to this need and to the increasingly rapid technological evolution, so as to bridge the gap, now very wide, between training and work.

Placing technological innovation and sustainable development at the center of educational offerings is the great challenge. These are two themes on which JAC has built its ITS post-diploma specialization courses, constantly dialoguing with companies in order to meet the needs of the labor market.

Nowadays, promoting technological innovation and sustainable development in education is crucial in order to train young specialists who are not only immediately ready for the world of work, but also acquire up-to-date specialized skills consistent with what companies require.

Check out all JobsAcademy’s highly specialized courses.