HR Professions: the Recruiter

The recruiter is the figure in a company who is in charge of personnel search and selection activities, with the goal of recruiting the optimal candidate for a given job position.

The recruiter can be either internal or external to the company, but in both cases the figure’s duties and responsibilities do not vary. He or she is responsible for defining the characteristics of the required profiles, discussing with managers the specifics regarding the company’s needs.

Duties and responsibilities

The recruiter is in charge of posting ads on the established recruitment channels and then of analyzing and skimming the resumes received.

Not only that, the recruiter is also in charge of the active search for possible new candidates who possess the specific skills highlighted by the company.

The recruiter is thus the “owner” of the entire process of selecting new resources. In fact, his duties also include the evaluation of candidates through job interviews,which can be handled in different ways, such as video interview, individual or group interview, with the aim of testing the experiences and “soft-skills” of possible new resources, then presenting a list of ideal candidates to the company’s managers.

Finally, to conclude the selection process and having identified the resource(s) to be placed in the company, the recruiter should make sure to receive feedback from the candidates and later also from the company’s managers, so that the progress of the selection process can be concretely evaluated.

Required skills

Let us now see what skills are most sought after by companies looking for a recruiter.

Hard skills

  • Manage the recruiting process
  • Knowing recruitment channels
  • Screening CVs
  • Conducting an interview
  • Computer skills
  • Knowledge of employment law

Soft skills

  • Communication and interpersonal skills
  • Problem solving
  • Stress management
  • Organizational skills
  • Time management
  • Accuracy

Career opportunities

As skills and experience increase, a recruiter will have various possibilities to evolve his or her working career, for example, becoming an HR manager, that is, the one who manages the human resources department in large companies. Alternatively, it is also possible to work as a self-employed person by becoming an HR consultant, or a “head hunter,” which is the figure who actively searches for qualified personnel.

Average salary

On average, the annual salary of a recruiter is around 30,000€ gross, but it varies greatly depending on the experience you gain over time. As experience and skills increase there will be a chance that proportionally the salary will also increase. Typically a junior figure earns up to 35 percent less while the senior up to 32 percent more.

How does one become a recruiter?

One can become a recruiter if he or she has specific human resources selection skills, or if one has been trained with studies from different fields, such as studies related to economics, or alternatively humanities studies, particularly psychology. Although the paths indicated allow one to enrich one’s educational background, in order to obtain specific recruiter skills, it is necessary to take specialized courses imprinted on the subject matter, complete with related work experience in order to better understand all aspects of this profession.

JAC training course

Among the most professionalizing specialization courses is JobsAcademy’s2-year (two-year ITS) human resource management course, with the option to continue the course with a third year, which allows you to earn a bachelor’s degree from one of JAC’s partner universities, either in Italy or abroad, or to start your own personal project.

The course provides specialized skills regarding recruiter competencies, which can be put into practice directly in the company thanks to the 800 hours of internships over the two years.

In addition, there are 870 hours of specialized training, in which technical skills about the HR world are acquired, and 330 hours of training on “soft-skills”, which are increasingly in demand in the world of work, especially for those who are placed in the HR management sector.

Do you want to become a professional recruiter?

Discover JAC’s course and start your adventure in the world of work!