What are human resources?

Human resources, also called “human resources,” is a term used to refer to people who are considered employees within a company. It is important to note that this term is often used as a synonym for other terms, such as employees or workers, whereas the expression human resources goes to highlight the importance of the person, seen no longer as someone who is dependent on the company, but as an asset to the company.

So when we talk about working in human resources, what do we mean?

We refer to human resources administration personnel, who are responsible for managing and enhancing the potential of each of these resources, so as to foster the growth of both the company and the people who work within it.

Why these figures are important in the company

These figures play a “bridge” role between the company and the workers, enabling the personal development of employees and thus also the economic development of the company, while maintaining an optimal working climate for everyone. Thus, the goal of the HR department is the improvement of the company as a whole and the personal growth of its resources. Let’s cut to the chase, what does a person working in HR do in practice?

Human resources career outlets

Generally we can say that the HR sector is divided into two main branches:The first is the administrative branch, it includes those who mainly deal with everything related to documentation and proper payroll.

The second branch, on the other hand, is the one that deals with maintaining relations with personnel, dealing mainly with what concerns recruiting processes and training.

It is important to keep well in mind, however, that these two branches are often intertwined, forming one.

There are several roles with which it is possible to qualify in HR, among the most important we have:

  • The payroll clerk;
  • The recruiter;
  • The employment consultant;
  • HR generalist.

Short job list

Let us now see what these figures do specifically by listing their main duties.

Payroll clerk:

  • Monitor and manage attendance and any staff shifts.
  • Payroll processing.
  • Manage hires and terminations from an administrative standpoint.
  • Maintain up-to-date staff roster.
  • Manage tax and social security compliance.


  • Draft and post job advertisements.
  • Manage the receipt of resumes.
  • Skim applications.
  • Manage a job interview.
  • Implement appropriate training.
  • Valuing workers in their jobs.

Employment counselor:

  • Assist companies and public agencies in regulating labor relations.
  • Draw up the various employment contracts
  • Registering employees with social security institutions.

HR generalist:

As mentioned earlier, the 2 branches of HR are not always well separated, so here comes the figure of the “HR generalist” encompassing the different roles seen above, particularly that of recruiter and payroll clerk.

What training is required to work in HR?

As can be guessed from the variety of jobs listed by the resulting breadth of skills in the field, it is possible to approach HR from multiple directions.

What is the most appropriate training to approach this field?

One possible starting point is to train in psychology, with the possibility of entering the HR section more geared toward personnel selection.

Law is also a possible entry point for the more bureaucratic part of employment, such as managing employment contracts.

And then there are many other possible entry points such as business, or administrative, with a focus on human resources administration and payroll management.

However, it is clear that none of these solutions can train on all parts of the field, which as mentioned above often tend to mix. This problem is solved by the existence of specialization courses, such as the one we propose, which allow for 360-degree training on HR.

Features of the JAC course

The HR management course has a duration of 2 years, with a total of 2000 hours, of which 870 are technical-professional, 330 on “soft-skills” and as many as 800 hours of internships in companies in the sector.

The course provides comprehensive training on the world of human resources, allowing everyone to learn all the specific knowledge required, starting from the proper drafting of a resume to the use of the software most used by companies for personnel management.

In addition to the training hours, JAC’s human resources management course also includes 2 internship experiences totaling 800 hours, enabling all talents to work in human resources firsthand, and thus directly approach the world of work.

Internships will take place at some of our many partners throughout the country, such as: Adecco, Hrnet, CISL, Gi group, HRZ, and many more.

Opinion from the course

A lot can be said about this course, but that only materializes in a lived experience to the fullest. This is the case of Francesco Gusmini, a talent in JAC’s human resources management course, who told us about his experience of the course and how it allowed him to grow humanly and professionally. Let’s review the interview together.

“What did you learn from taking JobsAcademy’s human resource management course?”

“By taking the HR management course, I had the opportunity to learn a great deal,not only about the scope of my course, but also about the world of work in general. Regarding the HR field, I learned how the entire recruiting process works, the laws governing labor relations, to use HR management applications, and much more.

This course before being a training experience was a real life experience, which allowed me to grow as an individual.”

How are the classes conducted?

The classes are taught by business professionals, so they are people who teach what they have learned and experienced firsthand. This, in my opinion, is a very important aspect that makes the courses offered more about practice and reality, rather than theory.

Generally there is not a typical lesson in JAC,not all of them are conducted in the same way, we go from classic face-to-face lectures, to work carried out in groups, up to creating projects that even involve several different courses, thus promoting not only the skills of the individual, but also collaboration between people with different skills.

Why did you choose the Jobs Academy?

I chose to enroll in the JobsAcademy, to try to find my way, to be able to find something that I was passionate about and really felt was mine.

Become a human resource management specialist

If you also believe that people make a difference, even in business, this is your course. It’s your course because you’ll learn all the techniques of human resource management, because you’ll learn about the business dynamics that make it possible to create great workplaces, and above all because you’ll be able to contribute to people’s growth while simultaneously growing with them. Find out more about this course and join JAC!

If you would like to learn more about the course: Visit the website page!