Meet Human launches “AFGHAN BROTHERS” campaign, the first hug to those fleeing terror.

Faced with the great tragedy that Afghanistan is experiencing in recent weeks, MEET HUMAN Foundation-the latest in the St. Michael the Archangel Works group of which JAC is also a member-decided to take concrete action to support a group of families persecuted for their religious faith.
With the understanding that “Life is the art of encounter,” because each of us lacks something that the other person brings, the Foundation took immediate action by assuming the moral and economic responsibility of taking care of them.

Fourteen people were brought to safety from Kabul thanks to the efforts of Meet Human and the relentless work of the Ministries of Defense and Interior and the Inter-Forces Summit Operations Command, among them 7 children.

This is a large family of three that in Kabul, after seeing the head of the family disappear into thin air, had barricaded themselves for days in a basement without food or water. Doubly persecuted, both as members of the Christian minority and because they were mostly women (8 out of 14), they were trying to escape Taliban roundups.

From Rome, Afghan journalist A. Ehsani had relayed their anguish in a number of newspapers, which came to the attention of Daniele Nembrini, Founder of the Works, prompting him to take action.

For the group, now in Rome for the mandatory quarantine period, psychological accompaniment and necessary language mediation has already been initiated.

Meanwhile, health check-ups have detected five cases of chickenpox and other neglected infections that led to the emergency hospitalization of the youngest among the guests, now fortunately in a less serious condition.

At the same time, permanent housing has been identified in the municipality of Zandobbio (BG) and is being renovated and brought up to standard.

These are only the first steps of an articulated project so that these people can once again become protagonists of their destiny and perhaps, one day, decide to return to their country, if conditions permit.

To cope with the economic commitment that an initiative of this nature brings, the “Afghan Brothers” campaign was born, and today the Foundation decides to relaunch by declaring, “We will take a risk on charity for charity’s sake by renouncing public funding and funds to cope with the economic aspects of their reception.”

The appeal is addressed to anyone who wants to contribute, knowing that the little of each is the much for many. It is a drop in the ocean, but the sea is made up of drops.

You can contribute through the current account in the name of Meet Human Foundation

IBAN: IT 61 S 05034 11121 000000080014


Causale: Afghan Brothers

We invite everyone to indicate at the time of donation their email address in order to receive all updates on the matter.

To coordinate the work, the email box has been activated and the number +39 338 663 4655 is available for any information.