New JobsAcademy Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy course.

We are proud to announce that from the academic year 2021/2022 the JobsAcademy Foundation will deliver a new course: Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy!

The course trains highly innovative figures who can support designers and installers in the field of plant engineering for the production of thermal and electrical energy, particularly from renewable sources.

Why was this course created?

Almost daily we are informed about catastrophic weather phenomena around the world, apparently related to climate change and caused by global warming. Almost all of the scientific community states that these extreme events are due to the excessive production of CO2 from the use of fossil fuels used in the power generation industry.

To reverse the trend, the EU believes that a significant contribution to meeting the targets can be made by the energy upgrading of buildings in civil use (residential and tertiary sectors). Indeed, energy consumption for air conditioning in buildings accounts for about 40 percent of total consumption and has a high potential for reduction due to the age and inefficiency of the existing building stock.

Moreover, air conditioning is not linked to the production of wealth, unlike industrial production, but represents a real source of waste that can be greatly reduced with adequate insulation of buildings and the use of more efficient heating and air conditioning systems,preferably powered totally or partially by renewable energy such as, for example, through electric heat pumps powered by photovoltaic systems installed on site.

For these reasons, European Directive 31/2010/EC introduced the concept of Near Zero Energy Building (nZEB) and requires that all new public buildings, starting in 2019, be constructed in compliance with specific energy consumption limits. This requirement is also extended to private buildings from 2021. In addition to excellent thermal insulation requirements, these buildings also require that energy needs be met by very efficient systems, powered mainly by on-site renewable sources.

To achieve this goal, the Italian government has for years been launching a series of incentive measures, first and foremost the so-called Superbonus, through which the state gives back in the form of a tax deduction an amount greater than the amount spent on an energy upgrade.

This measure is currently entering into full operation, with an expectation of exponential spread in the coming months (or years): Enea (National Agency for New Technologies, Energy and Sustainable Economic Development) has updated the report “Statistics super ecobonus 110%” that as of May 17, 2021, there were more than 2 billion euros in superbonus 110% deductions and the works with at least one registered asseveration (Asid) amounted to 14,450.

The renovation of the entire building-plant system is not only important to reduce emissions, but is also necessary to facilitate the transition to electrification of buildings: only well-insulated buildings, in fact, allow widespread deployment of technologies such as electric heat pumps. The latter, when combined with photovoltaic energy produced on-site, would allow a definitive shift away from natural gas-fired power generation for heating and domestic hot water (DHW). Currently, however, the evidence shows a ratio of at least eight natural gas boilers installed per heat pump.

If you would like to learn more about the energy efficiencies and renewable energy course, register for one of our Open Days!