Design and Materials Technology
Discover the new JAC course to become a Higher Technician
Project manager: Valeria Moliterno
The Materials Design and Technology Course
The three-year course, the only one in Italy on the subject of materials technology, trains a professional figure with a high level of theoretical and practical knowledge, capable of manage critically and safely the machines and auxiliary equipment used by companies in the sector, for the various polymer processing techniques; to make the optimal choice of thermoplastic, thermosetting materials, elastomers and their composites, according to their use, reuse, recovery and recycling; to adopt appropriate design criteria for plastic and composite products and their moulds; to control and supervise the quality of design and material processing procedures; to provide technical and commercial assistance to companies using machinery and auxiliaries, raw materials and composites.
The didactic programme of the training course is implemented from one two-year period to the next, also in order to gather indications and suggestions from companies in the sector, and has been updated in relation to technological innovations and new economic-environmental requirements, first and foremost that of an increasingly broad application of circular economy and energy saving issues, with consequent specific attention to the design criteria of the production cycles of manufactured products and to those of recovery at the end of their life cycle and recycling and reuse of raw and secondary materials.
During the Materials Design and Technology course you will acquire the following skills:
- In production: start a production cycle of a plastic (or rubber) injection-moulded part, having controlled the process parameters according to the rheology of the materials and having defined the characteristics of the machines and auxiliary equipment according to the specific quality characteristics of the part to be produced.
- In the laboratory: carry out the main characterisation tests of plastic (or rubber) products and related materials, according to the technical reference standards, interpreting the test results and identifying any corrective actions to be applied during production.
- In quality control; verify the company work cycle from design to shipping of items in line with the production quality and quantity goals, with reference to ISO 9000 and 14000 standards.
- In the technical design office: collaborate in the design of a plastic (or rubber) product, depending on the qualitative characteristics of the product itself, its life cycle and recycling; collaborate in the design of the mould relating to the product and any auxiliary equipment, depending on the quantitative and qualitative objectives of production and the available machinery.
- In the technical-sales department: to know how to interact with customers in acquiring their specific production objectives and to present to them, with the necessary technical details, the range of machines in line with their expectations with reference to the production programme; to know how to transfer the information acquired to the technical departments in order to be able to formulate technical offers and quotations, also in relation to the company’s marketing policies.
Training Plan for the Materials Design and Technology Course
Year one of the course |
Elements of mechanics and technical design |
Science of plastic and composite materials |
Industrial manufacturing systems and technology |
Injection moulding technology |
Extrusion, production lines and relative maintenance |
Designing and certifying a product |
Processing plastic and composite materials |
Injection moulding workshop |
English Coaching |
Microsoft Excel |
Religious awareness |
Spanish Basic |
Soft skills and Workshop I |
German Basic (optional) |
Stage I |
Year two of the course |
Company quality systems |
Managing the processing of plastic and composite materials |
Injection moulding technology |
Extrusion, production lines and relative maintenance |
Science of plastic and composite materials |
Analysis and management of production costs |
Recovery, recycling and circular economy techniques |
Specialist workshop on design and sales activities |
English Coaching |
Advanced Microsoft Excel |
Religious awareness |
Advanced Spanish |
Soft skills e Workshop II |
Advanced German (optional) |
Stage II |
Year three of the course |
Supplementary university exams |
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27 September 2024
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