What to do after graduation? Learn about JAC’s opportunities for your child

What to do after graduation?

This is the great dilemma shared by many boys and girls who, having obtained their high school diploma, struggle to choose a concrete path that can give them guarantees for their future. Some choose to embark on a university path, worried, however, that they will acquire a lot of theory and little practice during their studies, while others decide to jump straight into the world of work, with little theoretical knowledge and little experience in the field.

Why is it difficult to choose what to do after graduation?

Choosing what to do after graduation is by no means simple; there are many students who, once they graduate, look for a viable alternative to college because they do not want to study 3-5 years without a guarantee of employment upon completion of their studies, and many others, on the other hand, who want to immediately “get their hands in the game” and learn a trade.

It is not just a matter of choice; there are people who express themselves best in practice, immediately gaining experience in the field, and others who prefer a theoretical path full of notions and information. Let’s be clear, theory is essential in a learning path, for some trades even more so, but it is “experience” that generates effective learning. Without gaining experience, a fundamental building block in any educational path is missing, which is one of the reasons why those who embark on a university path struggle to enter the world of work.

Young people at work

The issue of work nowadays is fundamental, even more so in this period where the educational future we face is uncertain; too many uncertainties stemming from the Italian educational system, which is still too little focused on the experience of the individual and unfortunately ranks among the worst in Europe.

Some thought-provoking data:

  • Italy’s university dropout rate is among the highest in Europe.
  • Italy ranks second to last in Europe in terms of the number of university graduates at 27.8 percent.

SOURCE: Openpolis processing of Eurostat data.
(last updated: Thursday, Oct. 8, 2020)

While the scenario is not optimistic, there is one particular piece of data that bodes well for the future: the ever-increasing demand from companies to hire qualified, job-ready young people.

Nowadays, the world of work demands more and more young professionals with specialized technical training who can prove to be an added value in the company from the very beginning. However, companies themselves struggle to find the professional qualifications they need because, to date, the focus is much more on theoretical than practical specialization.

Without “getting one’s hands dirty,” one risks speaking in theories and not in facts, which are the ones that can generate the actual growth of a professional. This can all be summed up in the word “experience” or knowledge gained through direct contact with reality. This can all be summed up in the word “experience” or knowledge gained through direct contact with reality. JobsAcademy puts at the center of its training proposal precisely experience, in a three-year path, consisting of two years of ITS specialization and one to graduate, which allows you to obtain a specialization, academic degrees and at least one concrete job proposal consistent with your specialization.

If you are looking for a professional and academic path that guarantees a future for your son/daughter and that, above all, fully satisfies his/her desires and ambitions in JAC he/she will have the opportunity to live a concrete experience that in two years will accompany him/her to enter the world of work with dignity.

How to choose what to do after graduation

There are several solutions you can adopt to guide your son/daughter toward the best post-graduation choice.

Here are some tips and activities you can do together with him/her to clear all his/her doubts.

Listen to his or her wants and needs

Whatever choice he/she makes or whatever advice you can give him/her, it is important to always start with his/her desires and needs.

As mentioned earlier, there are guys who express themselves best in practice and others in theory, but there are also all the variables related to one’s educational and professional desires.

“I want to be a doctor” is a clearly and strongly expressed desire, and a boy who expresses it openly will need to be supported and oriented toward a university medical education, for example.

But a parent is not always faced with this situation; most of the time a newly graduated boy is confused about his future and does not actually know which path can guarantee him a future and direct him toward entering the world of work.

It is precisely at this stage that the role of the parent takes over, who can support and direct the boy/girl towards the most addressed path for his future, starting by listening to his desires, needs and educational and professional goals.

Follow the open days

Follow the Open Days of the various educational realities on the territory is Italian is definitely one of the actions to take to clear your head and find concrete answers with respect to the desires of your son/daughter.

An Open Day allows you to “touch” a given reality, get in touch with teachers and students and have a complete overview of the postgraduate courses or university you intend to undertake.

The national emergency situation related to COVID-19, however, has limited the organization of these physical events dedicated to students and their families, bringing, however, a novelty in access to these events thanks to the web, allowing the various educational realities to organize alternative forms of meeting completely digitally.

Among these is JAC, which since the first moments when the Coronavirus-related health emergency was triggered, has been active with digital orientation services and distance learning, organizing online events and virtual meetings involving hundreds of students a week.

This is how our Open Days are held, where it is possible to discover our educational and training proposal and access virtual classrooms to discover all of JobsAcademy’s highly specialized pathways.

Find out how to participate in our Open Days

Evaluate ITS opportunities

If you are looking for real opportunities for your son/daughter, one of the things you absolutely must do is evaluate the opportunities of ITS pathways.

ITSs (Istituti Tecnici superiori) are professionalizing pathways, introduced in Italy in 2010, which in two years aim to place students on the job.

At the end of these pathways, students are awarded an EQF level V academic degree, intermediate between that obtained with a high school diploma and a university degree.

The interesting fact you need to consider is that 83 percent of ITS graduates found a job one year after graduation (with graduation we stop at 70 percent); of these, 92 percent in an area consistent with the pathway completed, according to the 2020 National Monitoring, carried out on behalf of the Ministry of Education by the National Institute for Documentation, Innovation and Educational Research (INDIRE).

ITS pathways are developed in six technological areas: Energy Efficiency, Sustainable Mobility, New Technologies of Life, New Technologies for Made in Italy (Agrifood System, Home System, Mechanics System, Fashion System, Business Services), Innovative Technologies for Cultural Heritage and Activities-Tourism, Information and Communication Technologies.

ITS what they are and why you need to evaluate them

ITS, Istituti Tecnici Superiori, represent the tertiary vocational training offer as a response to the demand of enterprises.

Thanks to a highly qualified pathway that aims to transfer skills to students, ITSs are designed by including the participation of companies, universities, scientific and technological research bodies, in order to promote employment in the world of work, but above all by allowing inclusion in key sectors for the country’s growth.

ITS: Objectives

The main objective of ITS pathways is to train professionals with the technical skills required by companies, and therefore immediately ready to enter the world of work.

The structure of an ITS, in fact, provides internship periods in companies in which students have the opportunity to “put their hands to work” and experience directly in the field the skills acquired through specialized study in the classroom.

This fosters the acquisition of experience from the earliest periods of one’s ITS education and simultaneously contributes to the development of business growth processes.

ITS: the opportunities

The goal of ITS is to meet a corporate need for specialized technical figures that is growing but does not find concrete answers from the world of education.

This is why it is necessary to focus on post-diploma technical training, allowing young people, after the high school graduation exam, to access study and internship paths that can provide crucial knowledge and skills, particularly for those companies facing the digital manufacturing revolution today.

In Italy, this role of promoting higher technical education is played precisely by ITSs, which thus play an essential role in linking the world of schooling with the world of business, achieving significant results especially from the point of view of placing graduates within the world of work.

JobsAcademy: the largest ITS in Italy

Now that you know what ITSs are and the importance they hold within the Italian training system, it’s time to introduce you to JobsAcademy, Italy’s largest ITS.

ITS JobsAcademy Foundation, founded in 2010 in Bergamo, represents one of the first Italian responses to the high-tech schools that have been training so-called super technicians in Europe for decades, although today the number of students enrolled in ITSs is about 16,000, compared to the more than 800,000 enrolled in German Fachhochshule and to the approximately 240,000 studying in France to obtain a BTS – Brevet de Technicien Supérieur. The goal is to meet a corporate need for specialized technical figures that is ever-increasing but does not find concrete answers from the world of education.

Who we are

JAC: the alternative that wasn’t there to train highly specialized technicians in strategic areas for companies.

Our purpose? To promote the integral realization of the person by accompanying him or her towards the world of work through a training, educational and experiential path. JobsAcademy was created to indulge everyone’s desire to be a protagonist and to stimulate each student to make something great of his or her life. Desire is what we take to heart at the beginning of the course, even before skills, to help the individual achieve his or her personal, academic and professional goals.

What We Do

JAC helps people become super valuable technicians sought by companies.

With its post-diploma specialization courses in Business and Technology recognized by the Ministry of Education, JAC offers the methodology and tools to become in-demand specialists. In fact, the courses are designed with and for companies based on their real needs. Today, the Foundation collaborates with more than 2,500 companies.
Not only do we stimulate everyone’s talent and strive to equip them with comprehensive human and professional training, but we also care about seeing them “take flight.” That’s why we ensure at least one real job offer at the end of the two-year study period.

Post-diploma specialization courses: a secure future with JAC

It’s time to go into more detail about JAC’s postgraduate courses.

There are eleven post-diploma specialization courses that the JobsAcademy Foundation delivers, six in the technical area and five in the business area.

All courses arise from an analysis and direct contact with the market based on what are the professional skills required by companies.

The strength of JAC’s specialization courses is precisely this connection with the world of work,made evident thanks to the presence of the figures of“Project Managers”or professionals and entrepreneurs who every day, in direct contact with the working world, bring their know-how into the courses,thus generating a constantly updated specialization of students.

The goal is to bridge the gap between the world of education and the world of work, building specialized profiles that are future-oriented and aligned with the demands of the labor market.

Mechatronics Course

A prominent component of international leadership, the Italian machine tool, robot and automation manufacturing industry steadily occupies fourth place in the world production ranking and third in the export ranking, counting about four hundred companies and 32,000 employees. (Source: UCIMU)

Based on this data and market needs, the Mechatronics course was built, which aims to train mechatronic and industrial automation technologists.

Specifically, the course trains technicians capable of designing, making and programming machines and automatic systems, intended for different types of production. As well as specialized technicians for the management, operation and maintenance of automatic components. Industrial automation is an Italian field of excellence, and at the center of the realization of automatic systems we find the mechatronic technician.

By choosing this course it is possible to specialize as:

  • Automated systems installer and maintenance technician
  • Automatic systems draftsman and designer
  • Automatic systems programmer technician (PLC, ROBOT, MES, Supervisory systems)
  • Production manager
  • CNC technician
  • Quality control manager
  • After-sales service technician

Plastics Technology Course

The Platic Technologies course is focused on the study of plastics technology and aims to train specialized technicians for the plastics and composite materials industry, a sector that represents Italian excellence with an important production district also in the province of Bergamo.

The course is unique in Italy and trains a professional figure capable of managing machines for various processing technologies, the choice of materials according to their use, recovery and recycling to reduce plastic pollution.

In addition, the plastics and composites technician will be able to choose design criteria for plastic and composite products, processing procedures, and ensure specialized technical and commercial assistance.

By choosing to pursue this pathway, it is possible to specialize as:

  • Plastics, elastomers and composites technologist
  • Designer of plastic products and related molds
  • Testing laboratory manager
  • Quality control officer
  • Sales technician for sales of machines, molds and manufactures

Design and 3D modeling course

Over the past five years, more than 345 thousand Italian companies have invested in products and technologies, resulting in these companies becoming more competitive and innovative.

Companies that invest in innovative technologies say there is a lack of skilled and specialized professionals. In particular, companies are increasingly looking for product designers and 3D modeling technologists, professional figures that JAC’s very Design and 3D Modeling course aims to train.

The course trains technologists for the manufacturing and Design industry, a sector that represents Italian excellence. Coupled with technological evolution and transformation and the possibility of working with the most popular software for design, skills can be acquired in industrial technical design and the evolution of a product. In addition to technical specialization and contractual placement in the company, the course also allows you to obtain a specialized certification, that of the “Solidworks” software used by companies for 3D design and modeling.

By choosing this course it is possible to specialize as:

  • Product design manager
  • Research lab manager technician
  • CNC machine super-technician
  • Quality Control and Maintenance Officer

Web Development Course

The information and communication technology (ICT) sector constantly needs skilled technicians, particularly Web software developers, but there is one fact, that companies cannot find all the developers they need on the market.

Just juxtapose this need with the development of artificial intelligence that will contribute to the country’s growth with:

  • +135,000 new ICT job vacancies to 2020
  • +12% increase in labor productivity to 2035
  • +15% gross value added (relative to GDP) to 2035

These figures are extrapolated from the Microsoft Ambizione Italia website, with which the JobsAcademy Foundation is collaborating to create a cloud-based software development course, now in the planning stage.

The Web Development course trains Web software developers: technicians capable of designing, implementing and managing software systems based on Internet and Web technologies.

By taking the course you will learn to apply a variety of modalities and solutions in a comprehensive and specialized way, to work in the all-around software developer environment.

By choosing this course your son/daughter will be able to become:

  • Web developer (web developer)
  • Back-end web developer (back-end developer)
  • Front-end web developer (front-end developer)
  • Software developer

Corporate Software Development Course

If your son/daughter comes from a business information systems background or has a strong motivation and interest in the world of digital transformation and enterprise software development, the Enterprise Software Development course is right for him/her.

This is a course created in collaboration with Sme.UP, a leading company in the IT and digital transformation of companies.

The course trains specialists in the digital transformation of business processes: professionals capable of carrying out the analysis, development and implementation of IT systems for the automation of business processes. With this course, participants will gain both knowledge of business processes (including purchasing and sales, planning, production, accounting) and IT skills.

At the end of the course, the student will be a “super technician” with a vision marked by mastery of business dynamics and their digital transformation, capable of analyzing, designing and implementing IT solutions to support all activities, from management systems and ERP to the Cloud interconnection of machinery from an Industry 4.0 and Internet of Things perspective. He or she will, therefore, obtain skills as both a functional analyst and a software developer.

By choosing this path, it is possible to qualify as:

  • IT consultant
  • Application informatics manager
  • Software developer of information systems, management, ERP
  • Functional analyst of information processes

Sustainable Construction Course

More than 432 thousand Italian companies have invested in the green economy in the past 5 years. An incredibly high figure that highlights how it is increasingly crucial for companies to have a green orientation.

Amidst companies investing more and more in green and the need to find specialized figures in the sector, the Sustainable Building course fits in, training highly innovative figures capable of collaborating and supporting designers and construction companies in the sustainable building sector.

In the world of green building, specific certifications are also increasingly in demand, which, thanks to this course, can be obtained, by virtue of specialized training modules, such as the module of”Energy Certification of Buildings“, accredited by Cened (Lombardy Region), which allows you to obtain the qualification of Energy Certifier, or the module of Safety and Construction Site, which allows you to obtain the qualification of Safety Coordinator on Construction Site.

By taking the Sustainable Building course, it is possible to specialize as:

  • BIM specialist
  • Pre-sales technician
  • Level 1 thermographic operator
  • Energy certifier
  • Construction site and safety coordinator
  • Energy auditor
  • Technician-commercial
  • Drone pilot in critical and non-critical situations

International Marketing Course

If your son/daughter loves to travel, speaks English well and has a desire to discover and experience other cultures this is the course for him/her.

In fact, the International Marketing course involves the creation of a class group composed of students from different countries, who in the two-year period face four semesters in four countries on a rotating basis facing the lessons in English.

By deciding to embark on this journey, as many as four international experiences will be gained, specializing as an expert in marketing and international markets in order to increase companies’ exports.

Specifically, thanks to this course it is possible to qualify as:

  • Export Manager
  • International Area Manager
  • International Marketing Manager

Digital Marketing Course

In recent years, multi-screen media consumption has increased by 500 percent, and 90 percent of Internet users switch from one device to another to complete a purchase.

This data highlighted by Google makes it clear that the world is increasingly digital-driven, and as a result, companies also need to cope with the changes that digital itself generates.

From this market need comes the Digital Marketing course, with the goal of training experts in digital marketing.

By taking this course, you will acquire specialized skills in the use of various digital tools, web communication, social media and content marketing and technical skills to carry out SEO, SEM and AdWords campaigns, not forgetting the creation of editorial plans for the different social networks, starting from the design to the implementation and development of content.

If your son/daughter chooses this course, he/she will become a digital marketing specialist, able to know the strategic and operational levers in the digital context to generate and increase the value of a brand, promote and launch products and services in the market, increase dialogue with targets and develop business.

Specifically, attending the course will lead to the following professional qualifications:

  • Digital Marketing Specialist
  • Digital Marketing Manager

In addition to these professional qualifications, if the qualification achieved at the end of the course is accompanied by a good amount of practice in the company, with time, it is also possible to become SEO Specialist, SEA Specialist and many other more specific professional categories that are in high demand by companies.

Marketing and Communication Course

With a “digital” component and bright shades of communication and sales there is the Marketing and Communication course that trains experts in marketing, communication and sales.

Indeed, by choosing this course, one can become an all-round marketing expert, with a specialization in digital tools and various sales techniques for B2B and B2C markets.

The course will also delve into the topics of export management and e-business, up to the management of CRM systems to organize customer management processes geared toward sales and loyalty.

If your son/daughter is passionate about marketing by choosing the Marketing and Communication course he/she can become:

  • Marketing and communication expert
  • Marketing manager
  • Sales and commercial manager
  • Event organizer

Human Resources Management Course

The “person” is increasingly a determining factor in the growth of companies, which is why human resource management systems are increasingly being structured within them. A company’s main customer, in fact, is therefore the employee.

As management guru Philip Kotler says, in a company, internal marketing must precede external marketing.

If your son/daughter is fascinated by the world of HR and human resource management, the Human Resource Management course is right for him/her.

The course trains young specialists in the field of human resources and personnel administration. The trained figure will be able to structure search and selection plans, as well as training and development of company personnel in both Small Medium Enterprises and large complex companies. All the skills necessary for attendance management and realization of payroll, through the most popular dedicated software, and data analysis will also be acquired.

So, with the course on human resource management you can qualify as:

  • Human resources expert
  • Personnel administrator
  • Personnel management specialist

Digital Store Management

“The person at the center” is a theme also found within the Digital Store Management course, a unique course in Italy focused on acquiring specialized skills in management of physical and digital stores, so-called e-commerce.

If your son/daughter loves to relate to people, identify their needs and help meet them, this course is for them.

The Digital Store Management course trains managers dedicated specifically to managing stores in the retail and digital world, with skills in human resources coordination, economic-financial monitoring, logistics, visual merchandising and sales.

The store manager today is no longer just a store manager, but a true “brand ambassador” who must be able to communicate brand values and identity, with a managerial orientation that leaves more room for personal skills.

At the end of the two-year course it is possible to become:

  • Store Manager – Store Manager
  • Sales Assistant
  • Visual merchandiser
  • Retail sales clerk
  • Retail e-commerce manager

How to get into JAC: choose one of JAC’s pathways

Now that we have presented you with all the opportunities and features of JobsAcademy’s postgraduate courses, you are in a position to provide your son/daughter with all the necessary elements to make a mature and informed choice.

Choosing about one’s future is definitely not easy, so it is important to put one’s academic and professional desires and ambitions “on the plate” and compare them with reality in order to make the most responsible choice possible.

Desire” and “responsibility” are precisely the two themes on which we have built our admission process. It is a process of admission and not of selection because for us the primary objective is the enhancement of the person, who should not be selected solely on the basis of a test or a grade, but should be looked at and valued for who he or she is.

Our admissions process is built around each person to bring out their personal desires, ambitions and talents. At JAC we do not look at grades but at each person’s desires, to guide them toward the best path for their future.